Design Thinking
Our design thinking programs are designed to be flexible and easy to implement. They are scaffolded and range from exploratory to solution-based programs. The programs are collaboratively customised with your project teams to cater for different needs.
We offer three distinct programs that are aligned with the design thinking framework.
Program ExploreProgram eXplore is an introductory program that explore general business challenges from a human-centred lens. The objective of the program is to frame general business challenges from different perspectives to define a set of clear and specific problems that can be effectively and efficiently addressed through a set of pre-defined criteria.
Duration: 2 weeks*
Program ideateProgram iDeate builds upon and extends program eXplore through the ideation and prototyping process. The objective of the program is to generate a pool of feasible, viable and desirable prototypes that can be field-tested. It is the first step towards a possible solution to address the challenges previously identified in program eXplore.
Duration: 4 weeks*
Program deliverProgram deLiver is a comprehensive program that includes program eXplore and iDeate together and extends them through the LEAN startup model. The program include building and testing prototypes with relevant stakeholders, while continuously learning and iterating. The objective of the program is to move to the productisation stage.
Duration: 8 weeks*
*) Program durations are indicative only. Durations depend on project scope and participants. The indicated weeks include workshop and field work duration.
Contact us to discuss your specific needs.
Contact us to discuss your specific needs.